However, that doesn’t mean that one should ignore the problematic symptoms of eye diseases. Understandably, someone’s world may come upside down if they are diagnosed with eye cancer. As the name suggests, eye cancer such as melanoma is a serious condition that cannot heal or subside within a few days or weeks. Wait and watch approach doesn’t work well for such serious eye problems as it may cost you your vision.
Eye cancer begins when cells start multiplying uncontrollably and result in tumor formation. tumours can be either noncancerous (benign) or cancerous (malignant). Such tumours can develop in the eyeball and/or around it.
It is the malignant tumours that are highly dangerous and may even spread to other parts of the body. However, timely diagnosis and treatment by paying attention to the first signs of eye cancer may help in saving vision.
Advised not to overlook any of these symptoms and get a thorough screening done. Early diagnosis and treatment for eye cancer can help in stopping the spread. Depending upon the origin, there are different types of eye cancers. Let’s further briefly know about them.