

Although SSEH has initiated many activities in the community under outreach program but all were adult and old age centric. Since the childhood blindness cannot be ignored, SSEH has taken up an innovative program for the budding Indians. It is beautiful, time tested, customized program for school going Children named "SCHOOL EYE SCREENING PROGRAM". This School eye screening program is run by highly trained personnels armed with mobile eye screening van equipped with state-of-the-art instruments.

It covers children between 6 - 15 years. These children are screened in their schools and treated for eye problems. The program has been going in and around Patna very successfully since last 10 years. In our region, the common causes of visual impairment in children are Refractive Error, Amblyopia or Lazy Eye and Congenital Cataract. In every 100 Children, approximately 15-18 children are diagnosed with refractive error. SSEH provides high quality CR-39 refractive glasses which is unbreakable, light weight and scratch free to these children. Cost of such spectacle comes around 750 INR.


icon The Program includes

  • Computerized eye check-up.
  • Distant, Near and Colour vision check up and Refraction.
  • Distribution of spectacles with Carl-Zeiss CR-39 plastic lenses.
  • Amblyopia treatment.
  • Eye surgeries for ailments.
  • Paediatric eye checkup unit.